The United Nations commission has voted to remove cannabis from – the most dangerous drugs category, proving it to be among most valuable medicinal drug.
A commission on Narcotic drugs was created by the UN to oversee and amend designations assigned to substances.
Following the 41st meeting of the World Health Organisation (WHO) Expert Committee on Drug Dependence (ECDD), WHO recommended in 2019, the rescheduling of cannabis and several cannabis-related substances.
The Commission on Narcotic Drugs decided during its 62nd session in March 2019 to postpone the voting on the recommendations to provide Member States with more time.
However, the commission unanimously voted to classify cannabis to take it off the list of most dangerous drugs on December 2. This excludes the drugs from the likes of heroine, a most highly addictive drug.
The move is largely symbolic, and may not have an immediate impact on how governments control scheduled substances.
But it could give a boost to medical cannabis legalization efforts in countries that look to the United Nations for guidance.
Cannabis has been categorized as illegal in Kenya.
While the UN has delayed taking action on the recommendation, it begs the question of whether or not we’re on the verge of global cannabis policy reform.
The U.N. still deems cannabis a controlled substance. But the move, which the U.S. supported, could ease restrictions on research into marijuana’s therapeutic use.
In January 2019, the WHO expressly recommended that cannabis be rescheduled and also provided clarity to its treatment of cannabinoids.
Jain term for cannabis use in Kenya
Cannabis, alias Marijuana or Bhang is a substance found illegal within Kenyan borders and has seen many in possession of the drug imprisoned.
A 40-year-old woman who confessed to smoking bhang regularly as a stimulant on January 8 this years, was ordered by a Court in Chuka to pay the State a Kshh.50, 000 fine or in default serve two years imprisonment.
She pleaded guilty to the charge of being found in possession of cannabis in contravention of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic substances law when she appeared before Chuka Resident Magistrate, John Njoroge.
The accused committed the offence at her home on January 6 where police and the area chief found her in possession of 30 rolls of bhang.